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Get Lead without Burnout, a Book that Helps You:

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You can be great at everything that matters most to you

In Lead without Burnout, CEO coach Ryan Renteria shatters the myth that you must sacrifice ambitious professional growth to achieve better balance and enjoy stronger mental and physical health. Gain access to evidence-based, actionable tools to successfully scale your business while enjoying quality time with friends and family. Lead without Burnout shows you how to slash stress, achieve phenomenal business performance, and live a happy and fulfilled life.

Meet The Author Ryan Renteria

Ryan Renteria is a CEO coach, diverse board director, and speaker who helps leaders optimize professional and personal growth. He spent nine years at Goldman Sachs and large hedge funds. Ryan became a partner and managing director of consumer investments at age twenty-five and, after strong returns, left Wall Street at thirty for charitable pursuits. He spent nine years as an analytics advisor to Indiana Pacers coaches and executives. Ryan was part of the ownership group of the Milwaukee Brewers’ AA Minor League Baseball team and a potential MLS team. He earned a BA from Stanford University.

Advance Praise

from 51 leaders including Fortune 500 Chairmen and CEOs, NBA coaches and players, and Partners at PE and VC firms

“From working on our IPO in 2002 to becoming a shareholder, Ryan challenged us with insightful questions around our strategy and growth initiatives. His guidance will help leaders aiming to grow their business and create a culture of well-being.”

Ed Stackexecutive chairman and former CEO of Dick’s Sporting Goods

“Ryan was one of my most trusted advisors when I coached the Pacers. I valued his input on strategy tremendously as it was clear how much preparation went into his work. With his meticulous approach and extensive experience advising leaders, I know his book will help leaders striving for professional growth without burning out.”

Frank Vogelhead coach of the Phoenix Suns, head coach of the Los Angeles Lakers 2020 Championship Team; former head coach of the Indiana Pacers and Orlando Magic

“Most of us understand the concept of diminishing returns, but often don’t think about it in the context of our own productivity. During my time at Lowe’s, work requirements were expanding, as was my family. I realized that I need to be more present for my wife and young daughters. I wish I had the benefit of Ryan’s thinking at the time, to both help me get to the realization sooner and more effectively reach the needed balance.”

Bob Hullformer CFO of Lowe’s; co-CEO and board director of Tailored Brands; audit committee chair and board director of Mattress Firm; former non-executive chairman of SPX Flow

“Ryan always challenged our executive team with tough questions that demonstrated his level of preparation and knowledge of strategy and leadership. Having known him for over twenty years, I’m not surprised he has been a trusted advisor to leaders from the C-Suite to the NBA. I know he will help leaders seeking to improve their business strategy and growth while prioritizing well-being.”

Ron Sargentformer chairman and CEO of Staples; board director of Wells Fargo and Kroger

“Early in the interview stage I already knew Ryan was going to add significant value to the Pacers. I was impressed by how well he fielded questions on the spot from myself and the executive team about an array of players and concepts. In his early stages of growing our analytics efforts, I read all his analyses and enjoyed the unique insights and clear communication. I’m confident he’ll be quite successful using his skill set, passion, and integrity to help executives take their growth to new heights.”

Herb Simonowner of the Indiana Pacers; chairman emeritus, cofounder and former CEO of Simon Property Group

“Ryan is one of the rare individuals with a true passion for his craft, while still exemplifying leadership, integrity, and caring for others. He has been a thought leader in the NBA for many years and collaborated with the NBA league office on a number of projects that improved the game of basketball. Extremely well respected by his peers, Ryan was a key player in the long-lasting success of the Indiana Pacers. Anybody who wants to accelerate their growth and reach their maximum potential while maintaining a successful work-life balance would benefit from Ryan’s thoughts and words.”

Kiki Vandewegheformer EVP of NBA Global Basketball Operations, head coach of the Denver Nuggets and New Jersey Nets, and general manager of the Nets; 2x NBA All-Star

Today more than ever, leaders need the right tools to grow their businesses without burning out themselves or their talented team members. Ryan’s substantial experience working with CEOs and his thoughtful approach to his work should prove beneficial to business leaders who read this book.

Ron Boireformer CEO of Barnes & Noble, Sears Canada, and Brookstone, president at Sony, Toys R Us and Sears, and EVP at Best Buy; partner at Valize and principal at the Upland Group

Ryan has proven to me to have a great understanding of business strategy, execution, and the leadership needed to take advantage of opportunities. I’m confident he will help any leader evaluate their strategy and successfully grow their business.

Greg Hensleeexecutive chairman and former CEO of O’Reilly Auto Parts

Ryan and I have had great conversations over the years around leadership, evidence-based processes, and business strategy. He effectively communicates his insights in these areas to help leaders optimize their culture and scalability.

Josh Wolfecofounder and managing partner at Lux Capital

Today’s CEOs need to think about how to manage tough stressful situations and remain full of energy. Additionally, their teams, particularly the younger team members, value balance in their life and great CEOs need to meet their needs as well. Ryan Renteria has a wealth of experience working with CEOs and their teams. Reading his book will help you become a more effective leader.

John Mahoneyformer vice chairman and CFO of Staples; chairman of Burlington Stores

Ryan’s process-oriented approach and diverse experience enables great leadership insights across finance, business, and sports.

Dmitry Balyasnymanaging partner and chief investment officer of Balyasny Asset Management

Ryan Renteria is an exceptional CEO coach whose years of experience coupled with characteristics of high integrity, intelligence, and passion make this book a must-read for those who wish to learn his thoughtful and rigorous approaches. CEOs and C-Suite executives will benefit from Renteria’s years of expertise as a coach that addresses work-life balance and professional business growth while integrating a culture of wellness among their teams.

Kevin Naglechairman and CEO of Sacramento Soccer and Entertainment Holdings; former co-owner of the Sacramento Kings; cofounder and former CEO and vice chairman of Envision Rx Options

Ryan’s book leverages his experience guiding leaders to help you and your team achieve strong professional growth while reducing stress and burnout.

Luis ScolaCEO of Pallacanestro Varese; Olympic gold medalist and 4x FIBA AmeriCup MVP for Argentina’s basketball team; NBA player for ten seasons

A must-read for any leader who wants to create a thriving workplace culture, with practical insights and strategies for promoting well-being, reducing burnout, and increasing the overall work-life balance of your team. Ryan Renteria's book offers a unique and insightful perspective on leadership, drawing from his extensive experience advising top executives in the Fortune 500 and the NBA, and it showcases his unwavering commitment to integrity, empathy, and excellence.

Mike Zappertpartner at global alternative asset firm TPG; former partner at Adams Street Partners

Too often the delicate balance between professional success and personal fulfillment is seen as a choice; you can have one or the other, but not both. In this powerful and thought-provoking book, Ryan reveals a compelling process for optimizing your life and harmonizing professional growth and a fulfilling personal life. I remember Ryan as an extraordinarily sharp and driven investor and was surprised when he told me he was leaving the industry all of those years ago at only thirty years old. Many years later, Ryan returns with a precious gift: a guide through many of the issues that I’ve wrestled with in my career and life. A must-read for anyone striving to achieve harmony in their work-life dynamic.

Brandon Haleyfounder and CEO at Holocene Advisors; former head of global equities at Citadel

For the last twenty-five years I've watched Ryan build his life guided by his cultural bylaws. He is a phenomenal example of the results one can achieve with his coaching.

Dan Levyformer VP at Meta

Ryan quickly became a big contributor to the Pacers’ success through his outstanding work product for the coaches and front office executives. His extensive preparation and deep research abilities were evident early in the interview process and ultimately made him a great analytics advisor. These same skills are clear in this book, and I have no doubt he will successfully help executives accelerate their growth. Having worked with Ryan for nine years, I can say he is a high-character professional who puts his heart and soul into helping others do well.

Kevin Pritchardpresident of basketball operations for the Indiana Pacers, former general manager of the Pacers and Portland Trail Blazers; starter on the 1988 National Championship team at Kansas

Lead without Burnout introduces a practical and sensible approach to optimizing work-life balance for you and the people that depend on you. Ryan Renteria’s unique collection of experiences, ranging from Wall Street to the NBA, lights the path to a more sustainable way of achieving professional and personal success.

Nick Hartmanpartner at Apax Partners; chairman of Nulo Pet Food and Cadence Education

We all are making tradeoffs all the time, and CEOs and business leaders are making more than most. It is very productive for a leader to have a framework for understanding their choices and alternatives. Ryan has always been a seeker of knowledge and education in all his life choices, whether it was researching investment ideas, breaking down the data of basketball, or seeking solutions to the life choices that executives face. This is a path started thousands of years ago by the Oracle of Delphi when it answered ‘know thyself’ and pushed forward by Ryan’s efforts and thoughts here.

Ben BramCEO and managing member of Watermill Institutional Trading; former managing director and head trader at Goldman Sachs

Ryan's vision, integrity, and passion for helping others has inspired me for more than two decades. He's expertly balanced intellectual curiosity and wealth generation in his own life, and as I think about the next chapter of my career, I can't imagine a better resource.

Michael Burkemanaging director at Google

In all the conversations I had with Ryan about basketball, and everything associated with it, the ones I always found myself coming back to were about work-life balance, priorities, and what really drives happiness in life. He brings a unique blend of analytical rigor and emotional intelligence to all those discussions. If you find yourself struggling with those same issues, this book will help you.

Zach Lowesenior writer at ESPN

I first met Ryan in 2002 while he worked on our IPO, and I was immediately impressed by his critical thinking, analysis, and understanding of our business challenges. After that, he made us a better company with his continued deep dive in the business results and thoughtful discussion and questions. Since then, he has continued to demonstrate that insight in a variety of roles, and his insights should be digested by leaders anywhere.

Jeff HennionCEO of Brand Holdings/Knockaround and former EVP, CMO of Dick’s Sporting Goods

Ryan is a special talent and a special person. I had the privilege of first working closely with Ryan when he joined my team at Goldman Sachs fresh out of Stanford. Ryan is sharp, incisive, disciplined, and thorough. His rare combination of critical thinking and positive disposition have earned him much success, much goodwill, and many friends and admirers. After Ryan left Goldman—he never looked back—for a coveted institutional investor role, he succeeded enormously by bringing that same discipline, conviction, and systematic thinking to the investing world. He was one of my smartest clients. Thriving as an investor means taking contrarian positions and having the courage to stand by your conviction. Ryan maintains his confidence through inevitable moments of adversity and comes out on top. Ryan has surprised me so much that…I’m no longer surprised. He walked away from the finance industry on his own terms, pursued a host of interests, started a wonderful family, and launched his second dream career with the Pacers. Then he moved on to helping executives and their teams thrive through Stretch Five, and in the writing of this book, I know he’ll win yet again. I’m delighted that in the many years since we worked together, he has been a great friend and partner. He addressed our entire group at Goldman, owning the room with war stories and investing insights and inspiring a group of high achievers to try to follow in his footsteps. And to this day, he’s a go-to confidante for his wisdom, charm, and high character.

Matt Fasslerformer chief strategy officer of XPO Logistics and managing director at Goldman Sachs

From his varied and accomplished careers on Wall Street, the NBA, and the nonprofit world, Ryan has codified his methodologies for leadership success and is sharing them with the world. He’s become the CEO whisperer of choice to multibillion-dollar companies, and this book reveals his coaching insights that can benefit any reader looking to improve the quality of their lives, while simultaneously leveling up their careers.

Jeff Beavercofounder and chief strategy officer of Zazzle

Ryan has had vast experience and personal knowledge coaching leaders to be the best of themselves. His passion for helping is evident in his writing. He has written a book that will help leaders sharpen their skills, enhance their lives, and lead organizations and teams to higher levels. If you only read one leadership book this year, read this one.

Robert Lorber PhDcoauthor of Putting The One Minute Manager To Work with Ken Blanchard and Doing What Matters with Gillette CEO Jim Kilts; CEO of the Lorber Kamai Consulting Group; assistant professor at UC Davis Graduate School of Management

As a trusted coach of CEOs and founders, Ryan is uniquely well-positioned to help leaders attempting to scale their businesses without harming their physical and mental health.

Tom Loverrogeneral partner at IVP

Ryan has a lot of relevant expertise advising leaders and puts so much thought and care into his work product. Any leader would benefit from reading his book on achieving professional growth while enhancing personal wellness.

Brian Shawassistant coach of the Los Angeles Clippers; former head coach of the Denver Nuggets and associate head coach of the Los Angeles Lakers and Indiana Pacers; five-time NBA Champion as a player and coach with the Lakers

My time working with Ryan has provided valuable insights and guidance both personally and professionally that I use daily. He consistently challenges me to reflect on my purpose as a husband, father, and the leader of an organization to ensure the proper alignment of time, initiative, and effort. Ryan is one of the most well-read people I know so it is fitting that he now is sharing his knowledge, experience, and perspective with all of us through this book.

Ryan LucchettiCEO at Pacific Coast Building Products

Oprah Winfrey once said, ‘The whole point of being alive is to evolve into the complete person you were intended to be.’ When I met Ryan seventeen years ago, we were likely on the road to burnout. We were new in our careers and the only thing that seemed to matter was advancing our careers at almost any cost. It has been hugely inspiring to witness Ryan’s growth and evolution as an advisor, father, husband, and friend. It’s even more inspiring and enriching that he is sharing his insights with others so generously. This book is important for leaders who want to reimagine and reactivate their personal and professional environments.

Godfrey Gillmanaging director at Vista Equity Partners; former MD at Lyrical Partners and Karsch Capital, and VP at Goldman Sachs

Life is always complex and complicated, so prioritizing the urgent, the important, the professional, and the personal is one of the most critical elements, not just in success, but in fulfillment—this book offers valuable insights and tools to optimize that complex algorithm. Throughout life you run into a small handful of people that are so centered, so balanced, and so competent, yet also care so deeply about having an impact and truly helping people. Ryan Renteria is absolutely one of those people.

Colin McGranahanglobal director of research at AB Bernstein

This is the book we all need, and Ryan is the perfect guide for helping us find that elusive balance between our work and personal lives. In the years I’ve known him, I’ve been struck by his humanity, his empathy, and his grace while working in the high-pressure environment of an NBA front office.

Howard Becksenior NBA writer for The Ringer, former senior writer for Sports Illustrated and Bleacher Report; writer for the New York Times and Los Angeles Daily News

Ryan is a highly experienced and successful CEO coach who has a wealth of knowledge and insights to share. In his new book, he provides a comprehensive guide to business leadership and business acumen through his passion and coaching knowledge. The book is packed with practical advice and insights that can be applied to any business. I highly recommend this book to anyone who is looking to improve their business skills and achieve success.

John DeBenedettiCEO of the Corfini Family of Companies; former CEO of Del Monte Meat and Ports Seafood

Leadership is a lifelong pursuit, and I’ve seen firsthand the power of coaching and its ability to change how you influence people and outcomes. Ryan’s unique experience across finance and sports, combined with his empathy and passion for coaching, gives him a unique ability to bring out the best in people. Lead without Burnout is a must-read for anyone looking to level up in all of life’s pursuits.

Tiffany Luckpartner at GGV Capital

Ryan has an intuitive approach to analyzing managements and companies, which combined with an ability to separate right from wrong, made him one of the strongest investment managers I came across in my thirty-five years on Wall Street. I always enjoyed our conversations as he approached his analysis with a caring compassion unique to many of his compatriots. He served as a great role model for younger (and older) investment analysts and portfolio managers and by putting it in print, he shares his unique analytical talent for others. A must-read.

Gary Balterformer managing director at Credit Suisse

Winning sports teams know that evidence-based decisions trump outdated truisms and gut instincts every time. Ryan's new book combines his extensive experience in sports management and executive coaching to offer a compelling guide to success in life and business. He combines sound evidence with engaging stories to show you how to create a culture that attracts and retains the best talent and to optimize your own life for personal and professional success.

Roger Dooleyauthor of Brainfluence and Friction; keynote speaker

After nearly two decades of working in the front office of the NBA, I’ve come across so many impressive talents both on and off the court. I can honestly say that Ryan is one of the brightest and most prepared individuals I have ever worked with. He consistently delivered quality work and always had a process in place to ensure success in his area of analytical evaluations of players, teams, and overall trends in the highest level of basketball. His impact on the Pacers’ success was invaluable, and I have no doubt that this book will provide people with the tools and advice to help them maximize their professional growth. Combine his skills and experience with his integrity and caring for others, and you are going to have a book that really impacts people in a positive way.

Chad Buchanangeneral manager of the Indiana Pacers

Ryan has a unique skill set. He is analytical with data, statistics, and numbers, which drive businesses. At the same time, he understands the importance of culture and a positive workplace that adds to a balanced life. This book is a pathway to a fulfilling life at home and work, giving you the tools to answer some of life’s toughest decisions.

Blake VannCEO at Vann Brothers Companies

Ryan Renteria is the perfect person to deliver a rigorously developed and tested, deeply researched, practical, and achievable framework to improve the lives of high-functioning leaders and the people who depend on them: family, employees, customers, community, and shareholders. Ryan has lived a life of focus and purpose with exceptionally high achievement in three distinct areas of leadership: investing, professional sports, and executive coaching. He has walked the walk in his own life, recognizing when his absolute focus in one area (work) was costing him in other areas (health and a fullness of life.) He has been an inspiration to me and many others for decades as he achieves his own goals and dreams, striving to maximize what matters to him and those around them rather than striving to "compete" with the status or yardage markers of others. This has led to Ryan gaining the trust of many of the highest-achieving people across a myriad of industries, geographies, and life stages—and deeply impacting how many of them set and approach their own professional goals.

Mike Dudasfounder and general partner of 6th Man Ventures, cofounder and chairman of Links Golf Club, founder and former CEO of the Block

Lead without Burnout is a game-changing book that provides a roadmap for leaders to achieve growth without the stress and exhaustion that often come with success. Ryan Renteria's unparalleled experience as a coach to top CEOs shines through in his practical and actionable advice, making this book a valuable resource for anyone looking to create more balance.

Chris Robertspartner at L Catterton

Ryan’s thorough research process, commitment to the highest-quality work, and ability to communicate clearly ensured his quick rise in the finance industry. He applied the same rigorous process to become one of the best at helping executives take their growth to even higher levels, and that comes through in this book. In knowing Ryan for seventeen years, I hold him in the highest regard in trustworthiness, thoughtfulness, and passion to help others succeed.

Rick Singhportfolio manager at J.P. Morgan Asset Management; former partner/managing director at Karsch Capital, 3G Capital and Standard Pacific

I’ve known Ryan since he was a Wall Street analyst and his passion for analytics runs deep. From analyzing public companies to professional basketball players, he has a very unique perspective on human behavior. This book will help anyone who is trying to lead at the highest level with his real-world perspective.

Keith McCulloughCEO of Hedgeye Risk Management

If you are a leader of an organization in your business life, you will want to read this book. We all want to balance our work and family life. This book will help you experience wellness and get more positive aspects out of work, relaxation, and family time. I have known Ryan for well over a decade and he has the ultimate experience about his writings. He has been at the highest of his profession and advised leaders in many industries. I believe this book can help change your approach to life to live in a much happier way.

Kenneth Youngpresident and owner of several Minor League Baseball teams; Baseball America's Minor League Executive of the Year; president of Ovations Food Services

I've known Ryan since early in his college days, he brings the same focus, thoughtfulness, intensity, and determination to everything he does and doesn’t settle for anything less than perfection. He knows as well as anyone how important it is to be intentional and thoughtful in managing burnout and reducing stress—and I have no doubt his recipe for hacking these crucial leadership tests will quickly become the gold standard for executives that want to scale their organizations to new heights in the twenty-first century. In short, Ryan can be counted on to deliver.

Ethan Kurzweilpartner at Bessemer Venture Partners

Few things are more important for business leaders than balancing health and family priorities with achieving aspirational growth goals. This book is designed to give leaders a set of tools and lessons to help with that process. I have known Ryan for over twenty years, from when he was an institutional investor in consumer companies. He always asked thoughtful questions that showed how thoroughly he had researched the most relevant topics. I’m confident that Ryan combines this diligence with his vast experience in advising leaders to write a book that will help leaders better optimize professional success with personal fulfillment.

Tom Hendricksonformer EVP, CFO, and CAO of the Sports Authority; audit committee chair and board director of O’Reilly Auto Parts, Ollies Bargain Outlets, and Snap One

What separates this book from others in this genre is the immediate applicability of the ideas. My life has changed for the better because his transformative ideas are so easy to adopt. Ryan is an incredible executive coach, and this book reflects that same excellence in every chapter!

Lokesh Sikariafounder and managing partner of Moneta Ventures; former CEO of Sparta Consulting and Rapidigm

I had the pleasure of getting to know Ryan several years ago working with the Indiana Pacers. I was very impressed with his experience, intelligence, and wisdom. More importantly, I was drawn to his demeanor. Ryan is a humble man with high integrity and an understated sense of humor. I stayed in contact with him after leaving the Pacers because I knew there was a great deal I could still learn from Ryan. Now, anyone can learn from Ryan as he shares his wisdom in Lead without Burnout: Growth with Less Stress for You and Your Team. As an executive coach, I witness burnout with many of my clients and I feel it myself. There is always something we feel we need to do and there is not enough time in the day. As a result, we are in a reactive mode that leads to stress, which impacts our health and relationships. Don’t wait for a wake-up call event. Make the first move and buy Ryan’s book. It will help you learn how to develop the work-life balance we all dream about.

Matt Doherty2001 College Basketball Coach of the Year at the University of North Carolina; former head coach of Notre Dame; starter on the 1982 National Championship team with Michael Jordan at UNC; executive coach and author of Rebound: From Pain to Passion—Leadership Lessons Learned

Ryan's world-class career spanning Wall Street, the NBA, nonprofits, and coaching makes him uniquely qualified to provide insights into achieving consistently high performance, doing so with high integrity, and balancing all of this with quality of life. Both experienced and aspiring leaders in any field will benefit from the wisdom he shares in Lead without Burnout.

Jose Torresfounder and chief investment officer of Lokoya Capital Management; former partner at the Cypress Funds

I feel fortunate that my path has crossed with Ryan a few times, starting with our time together at Goldman Sachs. His high integrity and intellectual curiosity have served him well as he successfully navigated careers focused on profits, then passion, and now purpose. He pours his heart and soul into every project and person he touches and this book will be no different.

Adrianne Shapirasenior advisor for Eurazeo Brands; former CFO at David Yurman, and managing director at Goldman Sachs

A leader would benefit from reading this book because it can help them understand the importance of promoting a healthy and positive work environment, resulting in increased productivity, employee satisfaction, and overall success of the organization. Ryan is a valuable asset to any organization with lengthy experience advising and studying leaders, a meticulous approach, a determined commitment to high ethical standards, and a dedication to helping others succeed.

Jack Crawfordfounding GP of Impact Venture Capital; Kauffman Fellow; former VC portfolio manager at Oracle

In the three short years that Ryan has been my CEO coach, he has helped me immensely and I feel fortunate to be working with him. Yes, Ryan is brilliant. Yes, he has the real-world experience of three very successful careers under his belt. Yes, he is the most well-read person I have ever met and is the closest thing I know to ChatGPT with a pulse. But what really sets Ryan apart is his integrity and his heart. He genuinely cares about helping leaders in their search for balance, so they can drive positive change in their organizations without burning out or sacrificing their personal relationships along the way.

Trenton MayolCEO and president of Pacific Southwest Container, formerly at Andreesen Horowitz

Work-life balance is one of the hardest things to do in professional sports, but finding the right balance keeps you happy to do the job year after year. Ryan came to me years ago with a grounded and thoughtful approach to helping an NBA front office/coaching staff. He listens to what they need and can propose good ways forward.

Dean Oliver PhDformer assistant coach of the Washington Wizards; author of Basketball on Paper; former VP of data science at TruMedia; and director at ESPN, the Sacramento Kings, and Denver Nuggets

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